Monday, January 4, 2010
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dad and I stayed in the house most of the day. No outings today. But Dad is needing some Half and Half for his coffee so we may go out later to get that.
Some of our neighbors have a beautiful Chocolate Lab dog. Nearly every time I pull the curtains back on the window towards where he is, he starts barking at me. I can just barely move the curtain, and if he sees it he starts in! It is cute. I think he probably remembers that Princess used to sit in that window and he could see her. She and I often sat there together and looked out the window. She loved that. I miss her so very much. There's just no way to describe the feeling.
2010 will soon be a reality. I was just wondering what the most common New Year's resolutions are? We could probably make some pretty good guesses about them. I read somewhere that the top three are: Lose weight, quit smoking and exercise regularly.
Click Here to listen to "What a Wonderful World" sung by a lovely 7 year old girl. I think she is from England.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Hope all of you are feeling well and having a good day. Just think - three more days till January 1st! I remember well when we were thinking about how strange it would seem to say "2000" for the year, and now here it is almost 2010! Do you say two-thousand ten, or twenty ten? I say two thousand ten.
I had the MRI done today. It wasn't too bad, but it's not something I would want to do in my spare time! Ha Will get the results mid-week, I think.
Just a short joke and then I'll say bye for this time!
A plumber attended to a leaking faucet at the neurosurgeon's house. After a two-minute job the plumber demanded $150.
The neurosurgeon exclaimed, 'I don't charge this amount even though I am a surgeon."
The plumber replied, "I agree. You're right. I didn't either, when I was a surgeon. That's why I switched to plumbing!"
Monday, December 28, 2009
Of course we know that life on Earth would not be possible without the Sun!
The food we eat exists because of sunlight falling on green plants, and the fuel we burn comes either from such plants, or was accumulated by them in the forms of coal, oil and natural gas.
The power of the sun's heat really can't be grasped with our human minds, but here are a couple of illustrations:
Mercury and Venus are much closer to the sun than we are, and I read that if there were any water on those planets the water would become steam because of the heat from the Sun!
There is a huge variation in the temperature on Mercury which is the planet closest to the sun.. The side of Mercury facing the sun is very hot, about 800° F, which is hot enough to melt zinc and tin! But the dark side gets very cold, about –280° F, with no sun to warm it and no atmosphere to hold in the heat.
The thought that amazes me amidst these facts is that---
God has placed the Earth in the exact position in the universe so that to us who are on this Earth, the Sun is life-giving!
Yes, what a wonderful world, what a wonderful Creator!
Bye for today!
With love from Mary
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009

That perches in the soul—
And sings the tune without the words—
And never stops—at all—
And sweetest—in the Gale—is heard—
And sore must be the storm—
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm—
I've heard it in the chillest land—
And on the strangest Sea—
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb—of me.
Emily Dickinson
Be like the bird,
Who pausing a while
On boughs too slight
Feels them give way,
Yet sings,
Knowing he hath wings.
"Come to the edge," He said.
They said, 'We are afraid.
'Come to the edge', He said.
They came.
He gently pushed them . . .
And they flew."
~ Peter McWilliams
Christmas Carols
Click above to Sing Along!